Hello fellow bunny lovers!
The weather here in Wi has been crazy. Tempatures well above normal and even a thunderstorm in December. Now that most of our holiday celebrations have concluded I wanted to update you on our rabbits.
We did a couple of batches of bunnies to the freezer. Even had a professional butcher come give us a few tips on how to hop along with the process. I did not paws for one moment to help in whatever way I needed too.
The last few weeks have been quite amazing. We have shifted the focus from butchering to selling. Another lucky bunny goes to a new home today. Then, out of 24 bunnies, we will only have 3 left to butcher.
One group of white does went to a nice couple who really are enjoying their new bunnies. Here is what they had to say:
"Well your three sweet girls seem to be transitioning pretty well so far and will be checking on them a few times a day to make sure everything is ok. Thanks again."
While we were in the rabbitry talking about bunnies, they kindly referred to me as the 'BUNNY WHISPER' which means a great deal to me since I feel I have dedicated myself to knowing all I can and doing the best with what I know. Truly the bunnies benefit from all the time and effort that I put into this project.
Beauty is now alone. No more babies in with her. Thumper has one that will be sold today and Foxy has two in her cage. I was willing to leave a female (doe) in with the does that I am keeping to help keep them social and warm through the winter. But if they sell that is ok too.
Have to go now but would love to have some comments from my readers. Especially the new bunny owners. Would love to see how your furry family is doing. I would also love to post any pictures of bunnies, yours, mine.... ours!! Keep me posted and I will share your stories!
Thank you to all of you who have been part of this new adventures. Some have physically helped build, some have emotionally supported and some of you....have even gotten your hands dirty. I could not be where I am today without all your support. Love you all! Theresa
The weather here in Wi has been crazy. Tempatures well above normal and even a thunderstorm in December. Now that most of our holiday celebrations have concluded I wanted to update you on our rabbits.
We did a couple of batches of bunnies to the freezer. Even had a professional butcher come give us a few tips on how to hop along with the process. I did not paws for one moment to help in whatever way I needed too.
The last few weeks have been quite amazing. We have shifted the focus from butchering to selling. Another lucky bunny goes to a new home today. Then, out of 24 bunnies, we will only have 3 left to butcher.
One group of white does went to a nice couple who really are enjoying their new bunnies. Here is what they had to say:
"Well your three sweet girls seem to be transitioning pretty well so far and will be checking on them a few times a day to make sure everything is ok. Thanks again."
While we were in the rabbitry talking about bunnies, they kindly referred to me as the 'BUNNY WHISPER' which means a great deal to me since I feel I have dedicated myself to knowing all I can and doing the best with what I know. Truly the bunnies benefit from all the time and effort that I put into this project.
Beauty is now alone. No more babies in with her. Thumper has one that will be sold today and Foxy has two in her cage. I was willing to leave a female (doe) in with the does that I am keeping to help keep them social and warm through the winter. But if they sell that is ok too.
Have to go now but would love to have some comments from my readers. Especially the new bunny owners. Would love to see how your furry family is doing. I would also love to post any pictures of bunnies, yours, mine.... ours!! Keep me posted and I will share your stories!
Thank you to all of you who have been part of this new adventures. Some have physically helped build, some have emotionally supported and some of you....have even gotten your hands dirty. I could not be where I am today without all your support. Love you all! Theresa