Saturday, May 28, 2016

Beauty and her babies at 7 weeks old

Rabbits can not be seperated from their mother until 8 weeks if they are to lead long and healthy adult lives.  In the case of meat rabbits, those butchered it does not matter.  But my bunnies are all reserved to go to home who want long living, healthy rabbits so they will stay with their mom to continue to nurse until 8 weeks.  Which is next week for Beauty's current litter.

 These guys are healthy and happy and love to find something to get into.  I have a basket hanging from the top of the cage for their hay because.... every other way that I have had it, they climb into it, sleep there, poop there and so on.  I like to keep their hay clean an dry but these guys like to give me reason to come in the rabbitry to talk with them, pet them and what better way than to give me the chore of changing out hay.  But I think I have them figured out this time!

I also stuff old rolls from toilet paper and paper towels with hay.  This keeps it clean and gives them 'AN ACTIVITY' to pull out the hay.  This is every good for them.  And the hay from the top of the cage makes them reach and stretch.  Now I just have to be able to tell the bucks from the does.  Not easy at this age.  When they are older, I did pretty well determining the difference.  Its not easy.  The males only let down their organs when ready to mate.  They can pull them inside so while they are running and jumping, they are protected.  The only difference between the two is the shape of the organ and right now, they are smaller than HALF of a grain of rice.  This will be fun (sarcastic for not easy)  But with my husband helping, we can do it!
 Here they are....

I will be checking to see how many bucks and does I have this week.  Males will be separated into another cage and females will stay with mom a few more days.  That way mom can slow production of milk if she is still nursing.
All these cute little guys sold. I have interest for more bunnies than I can produce so I request that if you are interested in any of my bunnies, you contact me asap to be put on the reserve list.

New litters are due:
June 13 and 21st and will be for sale Aug 8th and 16th.
If all goes well we will have two more litters after these.  So dont give up hope on getting one of my bunnies.  Please check back often for updates and please leave a comment to let me know you where here!  Thanks for hoppin by!

Pricing for Bunnies

PRICE FOR BUNNIES  as of 8-16-16
Buy when young and pay less.  Parents of these bunnies are New Zealands.
Reserve now. Purchase your bunny before the following age: 

8 weeks old                  $15.00 each
9-10 weeks old            $20.00 each                           
11-12 weeks old           $25.00 each                                   
13+ weeks old              $30.00 each

THERE ARE ONLY SIX BUNNIES LEFT out of 10 please reserve yours today.
All bunnies are sold with a two day supply of pellet food and hay.  Owner must supply their own cage, feed and water containers.

Contact Theresa at
0r (715) 790-0000

Coming soon!  Baby California rabbits.  Be the first to be on the list.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Excitement at Wascally Wabbits Rabbitry!

I can imagine how exciting it could be to know WHEN YOUR BIRTHDAY WILL BE before IT COMES!  I know when my bunnies will be born (usually 1 days from conception) and can be here to ..... prepare the nest box with clean hay, make sure there is plenty of food and water and general cleaning the day  before..... watch for signs of mother-hood with the doe.... and just plain be EXCITED.
Missy is due tomorrow.  Today I went out to do the "day before cleaning" and I could actually see her belly move.  I think she will have a lot more than five this time.  Last time I could not tell.  I think she is much bigger this time.  I hope this time they are healthy and  since this is her SECOND time around, she will know what to do and not be so nervous.  She should leave that up to the TOP BUNNY, ME! (to be nervous for her) heehee
She is pulling her fur as I type this.  Good, very good sign.  My husband and I were wondering "how does a bunny, or any animal for that matter, know to prepare for their babies?"  He said God puts it in them.  I agree but how is it manifested in the bunnys life that it knows??  Does her fur itch, does she start to get "practice contractions?  Fun to think about these things.  After all we know they did not read it in a book!  That special "touch" or relationship that we call instinct came from somewhere.  It came from the HAND OF GOD.  I am just so excited to be part of it and watch it as it happens.
Back to Missy.  Since this is her second litter, I hope all goes well.  Beauty has 5 babies in the cage next to her that are 5 1/2 weeks old... maybe she has learned a thing or two from Beauty?  Buck is on her other side and she was acting like she was bothered by him coming to the side of his cage that is closest to her, so I put a rug over the edge, to give her privacy.  Now... to wait.
I will be back with the next post as soon as they are born to update you.  I will just add it to this post because I will not take pictures until they are 24 hours old or more so I dont upset Missy.
Thanks for hopping by and now.... to my craft blog to update everyone on the shower from this weekend and the status of my winnings in the hat contest.  Visit that site here:
See you again real soon!  Theresa

Update: Sad news.  Missy was doing so well but her nest was not insulated well enough and the second night got too cold.  The next morning all of her kits were frozen.  I had a hard time with this loss and could not even write about it until now.  She was feeding and seemed to be ready to be a mom.  Second day I went to do chores and she jumped right in the nest box as if to say, "Hey look I am a good mom. Can you find my babies for me, I want to nurse." She had even pulled more fur.  But it was not anything I could change.  So sadly I took the box away.
Update: A week and half has gone by and Missy is recovering well.  She has had a big personality change.  She use to be very shy and "talked" everytime I tried to approach her or did anything in her cage.  NOW she greets me at the door, gets in the submissive position and even butts me with her head to be pet.  She is now a mature adult rabbit and I feel she will be an excellent mother next time around.  She is expected to have her next litter in June right after we come back from a wedding.  I look forward to her being a good mom, just like Beauty, Foxy and Thumper.  Watch for updates on Missy and Beauty as things progress.  Thanks for hoppin by and see you next time!  Theresa