Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Beauty has her babies

I know you will be so excited to know that Beauty had her babies.  She worked on her nest box but two days before she kindled, we had so much rain that even the inside of our rabbit condo was damp.  So I changed out her nextbox with dry hay.  Look at the back field!  Its flooded and we have a duck swimming in the puddle.  This extended all the way south to the fence.  Larger puddle than after our winter thaw!

So Thursday the 20th Beauty was 31 days and ready to kindle.  I stayed up on Bunny Watch.  Every two hours I checked on her to make sure no kits were born on the cage bottom.  Rabbits do not carry their babies around like cats and dogs so I had to make sure they would make it into the nest and keep warm.  She did not pull any fur so I tore up cotton balls and added them to her nextbox.  I went to check on her at 11:45 and I could see she was in her box.  I did not go into the kennel because I could hear a little squeak and she looked like she was busy cleaning.
I came back out in 20 minutes when I noticed she was no longer in her box but out drinking water.  There was one baby in the next box that was just born and had not made it to the back where the rest of the litter was so I helped it back there and then left her until Laura came home two hours or so later.
Laura and I went out to check to make sure there were no lost kits.  She used the camera while I handled the kits.  I reached in and found warm babies.  I took out the first 5 and was very happy to see all were healthy and warm.  I reached back in and was surprised at how many more I could feel!  There was a total of 10 live, healthy and warm buns in the nextbox.
We decided to count them by color this time.  We have 5 white and 5 black babies!  Beauty did a great job and we are very happy with her hard work.

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