Monday, March 14, 2016

SPRING IS HERE- New Zealand bunnies are on their way!

It is time for exciting news here at WascallyWabbitsRabbitry!  Spring is here and we are ready for a booming bunny business this spring!

We will do things a little differently this year because there is a big chance we will be able to move this summer.  We will put the house up for sale and depending on where my husband chooses to work, we will be moving.  Our options run from WI (we would just move closer to my husbands work) all the way to Montana.

We have 4 does.  Three from last year (Beauty, Foxy and Thumper) and Missy who is new to the rabbitry.  She is all white just like Buck (our only male).  I hope to get pure white rabbits from Missy and Buck.  They are already bred which is a very good way to start out for anyone interested in raising rabbits. Since we will be downsizing, we will offer two of our four females for sale. 

 BRED adult New Zealand FEMALES:     SOLD

Foxy and Thumper are the two bred females for sale.  Both gave 7 healthy kits last fall.  All matured to adulthood.  Several were sold as breeding stock.

Buy when young and pay less.  Parents of all bunnies are New Zealands.  As I put more feed and work into them, the price will go up. 
Reserve now. Pay before the following ages: 

4-6 weeks old                   $10.00 each                                   
6-8 weeks old                   $15.00 each                                 
8-10 weeks old                 $20.00 each                                 
10-12 weeks old               $25.00 each                                   

12 weeks or older             $25.00 females each
                                         $30.00 males each

Save $5.00 when you purchase 4.  Save $10.00 when you purchase 8!

All bunnies are sold with a two day supply of pellet food and hay.  Owner must supply their own cage, feed and water containers.

Contact Theresa at (715) 790-0000 or (715) 924-2722

Thanks for visiting and feel free to contact me with questions and comments.  Have a very hoppy day!